How to Avoid Victim Blaming in Your Writing
Togel Singapore Victim blaming is a social psychological phenomenon whereby people try to cope with negative events by assigning blame to the victim. It may be triggered by a variety of factors, including cultural context and moral values.
Many people find it difficult to accept that bad things can and do happen to good people, even those we consider our closest friends and family. Often, this is because we are taught that the world is fair and that good people deserve good things. It also comes from the belief that we control our own destiny.
When we believe that the world is unfair, we are less likely to seek help if we have experienced something traumatic or violent. It can also exacerbate our symptoms of anxiety and make it more difficult for us to connect with other people, experts say.
It can also discourage survivors from coming forward for fear that they will be blamed, says Dr. Olga Zur of RAINN, a nonprofit that provides support and education to victims of sexual assault.
In addition to causing victims of crime to feel more isolated, it can also lead them to make poor choices. In the case of rape, for example, it can lead to secondary victimization (the second rape) and keep women from seeking the medical care they need for their injuries.
One way to combat this is to explain that it’s never a good idea to blame someone else for their crimes or experiences, and that blaming the victim makes them more vulnerable and more likely to repeat the behavior that led to their abuse. This is especially true if you are dealing with an abuser that uses victim blaming to deflect responsibility and maintain control in their relationship.
Avoid using a victim-blaming stance when discussing a character’s experience with sexual abuse, particularly if you are writing about young people. This is a dangerous way to communicate and can cause the young person to act in a more risky manner than they otherwise would.
During interviews, discuss the circumstances surrounding the abuse, as well as the reasons the young person may have shared the nude image. This will allow you to provide a more realistic portrayal of the situation and increase empathy for the young person.
You can also use a neutral word such as “initiate” when talking about the abuse, or when describing how the young person may have been abused. The words “introject” and “absorb” are both inappropriate when discussing a character’s experience with an abuser, as they both suggest that the young person was responsible for the abuse.
Then use a term that is appropriate for the circumstances, such as describing how the character could have changed their behaviour to make it more likely they would not be subject to further violence, such as explaining how the character was feeling overwhelmed or scared at the time of the attack and had reacted in a manner they later regretted.