Women’s Rights in Afghanistan
While many of us take for granted the rights of women, we must not forget that many of us still face barriers to accessing safe abortion. Abortion remains a risky procedure for women, with many women forced to risk their lives and even prison to access it. Many countries have strict laws that make abortion a crime, which often enables violence against women. Inadequate laws and lack of punishment also play a role in the escalation of violent acts. Women are not only victims, but also main actors in the struggle for emancipation.
The United Nations has established a Commission on the Status of Women in 1946. The Commission first worked within the Human Rights Division of the UN, but has since become a part of the Economic and Social Council. Since 1975, the UN has held several world conferences on women’s issues. These conferences have paved the way for progress in promoting the rights of women around the world. The ICW has documented the reality of women’s lives around the world, and has helped shape global standards of gender equality.
During the 19th century, the women’s movement was fueled by the need for better conditions for all women. In North America, women were allowed to attend school earlier than in Europe, and as a result, educated women began to question the social structure and their status in society. The first activists travelled the country, battling for women’s rights and freedom from slavery. They were largely successful, as they successfully organized the ‘First Women’s Rights Convention’ in 1848. Since then, activists have continued to fight for the rights of all women, including the most marginalized.
As the United States begins a reduction of its military presence in Afghanistan, the Taliban continue to exert their influence on the battlefield. While peace negotiations are ongoing between the government and the Taliban, it is uncertain how far these negotiations will go. Women’s fate in Afghanistan depends on the development of the battlefield and intra-Taliban negotiations. The United States is committed to keeping women’s rights protected. If the Taliban and the Afghan government can reach a settlement on the issue of women’s rights, then the future of the country’s economy and institutions will be secured.
In order to truly achieve gender equality, women must have full access to their human rights. These include equality in pay, land ownership, sexual rights, and access to education. Equal political representation is essential as women play a crucial role in the development of nations. By empowering women, they will also be able to contribute to the world’s economies. With the full participation of women in the global workforce, societies can transform and become more prosperous.
During the twentieth century, the feminist movement reached a radically different pitch. After the World War II, household technology made homemaking easier, and the service sector opened up thousands of jobs that didn’t require physical strength, but it didn’t make the issue go away. The abortion divide has alienated many women. In 1998, feminist activist Norma McCorvey declared her opposition to abortion on demand and claimed she was paid by anti-abortion groups.