Women Rights Are Human Rights
Women rights are human rights – the right to live without fear of violence, to be paid equal wages, to own land, to choose the number and spacing of children they have, to access quality education and health care and to participate in civic and political life. Gender equality empowers women and gives them the means to improve their lives and those of their families and communities, increasing prosperity for all.
In the decades since the founding of the United Nations, women have gained ground, but many still face discrimination and deprivation. The world has yet to achieve a true level playing field in key areas including education, employment and representation. Women and girls remain more likely to live in poverty than men, especially those who are disadvantaged by age, location, ethnicity, caste or sexuality. Women are also less likely to be elected or appointed to positions of authority.
Gender inequality is widespread, and it affects every aspect of life. For example, in most countries, women are paid less than men for the same work, are at greater risk of violence and suffer from harmful patriarchal traditions such as female genital mutilation. In addition, millions of women are denied reproductive freedom and have unmet needs for contraception.
These injustices can only be tackled by changing the way governments and other actors think and act, winning hearts and minds and investing in strong women’s organizations and movements. In 2019, it was estimated that it would cost $264 billion to end the worst gender injustices, including violence against women and girls, child marriage, early pregnancies and unsafe abortions, preventable maternal deaths, and lack of access to contraception. But the fight is worth it: Empowered women generally have fewer children, are more productive at work, and contribute to healthier and wealthier societies.
The Global Fund for Women supports the tireless and courageous efforts of women’s groups who are on the frontlines of this important struggle. You can help by donating to us today.