What Is A Woman?

For many people, being a woman can be complicated. The expectations placed on women can be high and the struggles they face are real. From a monthly menstrual highlight to finding a balance between being healthy and sexy, women have a lot to manage on a daily basis. For some, the idea of what defines a woman is not always clear, especially if they were assigned male at birth or have a non-binary gender identity. Gender identity is a highly personal matter and should not be judged by others.

Prior to the last few seconds of human history, it was fairly uncontroversial what a woman is. Until now, the word woman was understood to mean an adult female human being with XX chromosomes, while men have XY chromosomes. This is why a woman could run a business and be a mother. Women have been able to achieve great things in society because of this.

But today, there are a lot of people trying to redefine what it means to be a woman. For example, Matt Walsh, a popular conservative commentator who works for Fox News, released a documentary called “What Is A Woman?” This film has received over 177 million views in less than a week on YouTube. Walsh interviews a variety of politicians, doctors, a professor, and a therapist and asks them to define what a woman is.

They give a wide range of answers, from vague to sexist. In one segment, a doctor claims that a woman is someone who has a uterus and menstrual cycle and can conceive children. The sexist statements in this film have led to backlash from the LGBTQ+ community and other women. The fact that some of the individuals interviewed in this documentary are willing to share their own sexist opinions about being a woman has also upset many.

While there are a number of problems with this documentary, the biggest issue is that it changes the definition of what it means to be a woman. In the past, being a woman was understood to mean having a gynecological reproductive system and the ability to have children. However, it’s now being defined as someone who is assigned to the opposite sex at birth and/or identifies as non-binary. This change to the definition of a woman is absurd and renders it meaningless.

Women have a lot to deal with on a daily basis, from balancing work and home life to dealing with hormones, expectations, and role models. This can be a challenge, particularly during times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, academic women leaders have had to juggle the demands of teaching, conducting research, running departments, making policies, and overseeing their faculty and students all while taking care of their own children and homes.

Although these challenges are difficult, it’s important to remember that there are a lot of advantages that come with being a woman. From being able to multitask to having more natural immunity, being a woman can be beneficial in the workplace. Companies are starting to realize this, and more and more women are being hired as CEOs.