The Importance of Women Rights
Women rights include a variety of human rights related to the genders, such as equal pay for men and women, property ownership, freedom from violence, the right to vote, access to education, and maternal health rights. These rights are essential to women and girls because they allow them the opportunity to live happy, productive lives. However, they haven’t always been guaranteed. Women who fought for these rights, known as feminists, had to go through much suffering. They were thought to be naturally weaker and less intelligent than men, and some religions presented them as a source of evil. Despite the fact that there is still a long way to go, some governments and societies have made great strides in improving women’s rights.
Globally, the number of countries that restrict women’s rights has declined significantly over the past half century, but many more have not made such improvements. Women remain significantly less well-off than men, and poverty rates are higher for women than men. In addition, women are responsible for a disproportionate amount of unpaid work. They take care of two and a half times as many children and household chores, limiting their time for leisure and political participation. They also have fewer economic opportunities, such as being denied access to land ownership.
Nevertheless, the majority of people across demographic and partisan lines agree that women’s rights are important. In fact, 9-in-10 Americans say it is very important that women have equal rights with men in their country. This includes the vast majority of Democrats and those who lean Democratic as well as a substantial share of Republicans and those who lean Republican.
In addition, majorities in 34 countries say that it is important that women have the same rights as men in their own country. This includes majorities in Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, France, Germany, Italy, and Australia. Substantial shares in Nigeria, Japan, Kenya, Turkey, and Israel are pessimistic about the chances that women will have equal rights in their own country.
When respondents are asked to name something that would be important in a society where women and men had the same rights, 45% specifically mention equal pay. Similarly, 19% say they would expect to see no discrimination in hiring or promotion. Moreover, women’s access to reproductive services would be enhanced, and they would be free from harmful practices such as female genital mutilation and forced marriage.
In the end, a society where women have equal rights will be healthier for everyone, including children, women, and men. In addition, promoting women’s rights improves racial equality as well as economic development and social stability. Therefore, a commitment to women’s rights must be a central pillar of any modern, progressive society. Nonetheless, it is imperative to be very cautious about how such initiatives are implemented: a do-no-harm approach, supporting men in societal transformation, and having a balanced vision of the changes these initiatives generate are all vital for successful outcomes.