The ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project Defeats Obstacles to Women’s Rights
Women are equal human beings and deserve the same rights and protection as men. They should be able to choose how they want to live their lives, without fear of violence or discrimination. They should be able to access legal aid and services when needed, and have a right to equal wages for work of the same caliber. They should also have the right to end abusive marriages and receive the support and resources they need to seek safety and a better future.
Gender equality is essential to building a free and fair world. Despite many strides towards equality, there are still many obstacles and barriers that need to be overcome. Through litigation, advocacy and public education, the ACLU Women’s Rights Project focuses on challenging these obstacles to women’s rights.
Throughout history, many countries have made important gains in the fight for women’s rights. For example, in the United States, women gained the right to vote in 1920 and in 1969 California became the first state to legalize no-fault divorce, making it possible for women to leave abusive marriages. In addition, laws have been passed that prohibit discrimination against women in the workplace and in areas of credit and loan approvals. These improvements have given more women the ability to gain financial independence.
However, progress in the fight for women’s rights has not been uniform across the country and around the world. Many states have not yet ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which is an international bill of rights and obligations for all nations that recognize the fundamental equality of all women.
Furthermore, there are still a number of cultures and countries where patriarchal family structures and traditions perpetuate gender inequality. As a result, many women and girls do not have the same sexual and reproductive freedoms as men, including access to contraception and safe abortions and the ability to decide how many children they want and when to have them. They may be at risk of female genital mutilation, gender-based violence or forced marriage and are often cut off from educational and economic opportunities.
Despite this, the vast majority of Americans from both sides of the political spectrum believe that gender equality is an important issue and that more needs to be done to ensure women have equal rights with men. In fact, nine-in-ten Democrats and Democratic leaners say that it is very or somewhat important for women to have equal rights with men in the United States, while two-thirds of Republicans and Republican leaners agree. In addition, 76% of Americans think it is very or somewhat likely that women will eventually have equal rights with men. This shows that there is a strong desire for change in the way women are treated by society and that, with continued activism, this can be achieved.