How to Prevent Sexual Violence
Sexual violence can occur at any age, and in many different contexts. It includes rape, assault, child abuse, and other types of unwanted sexual contact or attention. It can also be used as a way to control others.
Everyone has the right to be safe from sexual harassment and violence. If you sense that something is wrong, report it to the police. Educate yourself about sexual violence so that you can help to prevent it from happening to someone else.
If you are unsure about what to do, call the National Sexual Violence Resource Center for advice and information. They are a great resource and will help you feel safe, comfortable and able to talk about your situation with others who have been through it.
Survivors often feel unable to speak about sexual assault because they are worried about how people will judge them. They may be embarrassed or ashamed to talk about what happened, but it is important that you offer them support and don’t let them be alone in their struggle.
Victims of sexual violence can become emotionally drained and have physical injuries that need to be addressed as soon as possible. They may also experience nightmares, anxiety and other symptoms of trauma.
Most victims of sexual violence are women, although men can be victims as well. They have been abused and/or have experienced sexual violence in their relationships or in their family.
There is no excuse for sexual violence and no one deserves to be harmed. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how you dress or where you live – sexual violence happens to everyone and there is no reason why it should happen to you.
If you see someone acting suspiciously, be suspicious and ask if they are OK. If they are not, challenge them to stop their behavior and/or report it.
The best way to prevent sexual violence is to be an active bystander. This means being aware of what is going on around you and being willing to stand up for yourself and others if necessary.
When you witness an act of sexual harassment, try to think about how you would respond if it were you in the same situation. If you are unsure, get help from someone that you trust such as a friend or a law enforcement officer.
It is also a good idea to talk with your friends and peers about what you can do to stop this type of behaviour. It is important to remember that the majority of bystanders do not feel comfortable confronting an assailant, so be sure to assess the situation before you get involved.
Survivors of sexual violence may experience depression, feelings of shame and self-loathing, excessive sweating, anxiety, and memory loss. These symptoms can affect their quality of life and impact on their work, schooling, and social activities.
In some communities, rape is a major cause of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). In other communities, raped women are ostracized and forced to leave their homes. This leads to emotional problems that are very difficult for survivors to recover from.