How to Make a Difference in the World of Gender Inequality
In the world of gender inequality, there are countless ways women and men are oppressed, abused or held back. While society has made tremendous strides in the past, many of these issues still exist today. The good news is that if the world wants to see an end to this inequality, everyone can make a difference.
Gender equality is a complex issue that involves social, economic and cultural factors. However, there are a few key causes of inequality that we can all focus on to make an impact.
One major cause of gender inequality is the pay gap, which is the difference between men’s and women’s median earnings. This can be measured using a number of different methods, but the most common is to look at the percentage difference. For example, a value of 80% or below means that women earn less than men. Values above 100% mean that women earn more than men.
Another important factor in the pay gap is discrimination. This can be seen in the way that women are treated by their employers, which is often based on sexist beliefs about what roles men and women should have in society.
Discrimination can also be seen in the way that women are viewed by their families and communities, which can have a significant effect on their ability to work and live. For example, if a woman’s family expects her to perform most of the housework and childcare, this can have a negative impact on her career. The best way to tackle this issue is to change the expectations of families and communities about what role women should have in these areas.
A final cause of the pay gap is the effects of racism on women of color. For example, in the early days of America, European settlers decided what kinds of work could be taxed based on whether or not African women performed it. As a result, women of color are overrepresented in lower-paying jobs today. This is a problem that can be addressed with institutional change, such as ensuring that all workers have access to equal flexible working policies.
In addition to the structural changes that need to be made, individuals can help by advocating for themselves and others in the workplace by promoting gender equality. They can also be aware of their own unconscious biases and microaggressions and work to address them. Finally, they can support companies that have a commitment to gender equality. All of these actions can help breathe new life into efforts to reach Sustainable Development Goal 5.