Gender Inequality – The Shadow Pandemic
The recent report on gender inequality by the UN highlighted the “shadow pandemic” – the lack of equality between men and women. The impact of this crisis is evident in the sharp increase in domestic violence, the decline in women’s employment, and the rapidly increasing unpaid care work. Despite the recent reports, gender inequality is still widespread, despite the growing number of initiatives and policies to address it. However, the problem is far more complex than these glaring statistics suggest.
A rough estimate of the proportion of male to female in a country’s population is known as the “missing women”. Basically, missing women is the excess of a country’s female population in comparison to its expected ratio. According to Sen’s report, the female-to-male ratio of many countries in Asia and Africa is equal to that of Europe and the US. In other words, if the countries of Asia and Africa had an equivalent male-to-female ratio, they would have gained at least 4.40 crore women. The same is true for other Asian and African countries.
While women live longer than men, their medical care is of lower quality. This is closely related to the problem of gender inequality. Inequality has led to poverty for many women, making them less able to afford quality health care. Additionally, less research has been conducted on the diseases that affect women more than men. Many women also report experiencing discrimination in hospitals, thereby widening the gap between men and woman. This situation is further compounded by the high mortality rates in both genders, which means that a girl will die much younger than a boy.
In addition to gender-based discrimination, religion is a major cause of gender inequality. The World Economic Forum says that religious freedom reduces the participation of women in the economy. This study found a direct correlation between religious intolerance and women’s economic participation. This finding is supported by the findings of two other studies: those from Georgetown University and Brigham Young University. In conclusion, reducing religious intolerance and increasing religious freedom is a good start to reduce gender-based inequity in the workplace.
Inequality between men and women has been a long-standing problem. Today, it is the most prominent factor in causing inequality between men and women. This is because women are less likely to be the breadwinners and, as a result, fewer women participate in the economy. So, the solution to gender inequality is to eliminate it. By removing discrimination from society, a woman will be able to earn less money and earn more money.
Another issue that contributes to gender inequality is the lack of religious freedom. In fact, the World Economic Forum says that restrictions on religious freedom lead to greater economic participation. Other studies found that restrictions on religious freedom and women’s economic participation were associated with increased levels of gender inequality. In the United States, women have been historically marginalized, and have little access to equal opportunities in the workplace. By limiting their access to education, they have a harder time obtaining higher education, and earn less money than their male counterparts.