Gender Inequality – How Economic Inequality Affects Women
The gap between men and women is a global issue that affects many aspects of people’s lives. In the past few decades, most countries have seen progress in closing the gender gap, but it is not yet completely eliminated. One important factor contributing to the gender gap is economic inequality. A big reason is that women tend to earn less than men and have lower access to productive resources, such as land and credit, that can lead to gaps in income. This can be exacerbated by a variety of other factors such as discrimination, lower productivity, and fewer investment in research and development that can benefit both women and men.
Inequality between men and women also exists in terms of employment and promotions, which can have a domino effect on other dimensions of equality such as ownership. In most societies, men are given priority for acquiring and maintaining property rights, which can reduce women’s voices and opportunities in the community and their ability to participate in commercial and economic activities. This can also limit women’s ability to access financial services that are crucial for their livelihood.
Even in high-income countries, women have a hard time getting access to finance and are often disproportionately represented in low-paying jobs. This is largely because the economy’s structure, strategies and culture are influenced by sexist practices in organizations, which can have lasting effects. Moreover, sexist practices can have a direct impact on recruitment, selection and attrition processes in an organization. In an environment where gender inequality is prevalent, individuals are likely to become more sexist and be more inclined to engage in sexist behavior. Similarly, in an environment where there is little or no gender inequality individuals will become more neutral and not be as inclined to engage in sexist behavior.
Another aspect of economic inequality is the gap in access to healthcare. This gap is also impacted by gender inequalities, particularly for autoimmune diseases that can affect women more than men and other chronic conditions. In addition, there is a lack of funding for medical research that is focused on the unique needs of women, which can lead to gaps in care and treatment.
Gender inequality is a complex problem that requires an equally complex solution. We must understand and address the root causes of this inequality, which are related to both differences in biology and the ways society functions. In order to eliminate the gap, it is critical that we consider not only the role of differences in gender and health, but also differences in age, socio-economic status, education, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation and disability. To do this, we must use an integrated approach that includes both a holistic understanding of the problem and the application of concrete interventions. This is the only way to achieve true equality for both women and men. For more information, visit