Common Uses of the Word “Woman”
Although the term woman is generally used to refer to a female human being, it can also refer to plants and animals. Some languages have added “lady” to the word, but this is still considered a term of deference, especially in informal situations. While the term “woman” is the preferred choice for the majority of female adults, it is not universally accepted. It is also used in a number of disparaging contexts. Let’s look at some common uses of the word “woman.”
While “womanhood” refers to the state of being a woman, the term “femininity” is a generic term for a set of typical female qualities. Both terms are often associated with different conceptions of gender roles. One example of an archaic term for womanliness is “distaff,” which comes from the traditional role of women as spinners. Women have also been instrumental performers and singers, as well as scholars and educators of music. They have also occupied roles in music criticism and journalism, as well as in genres that pertain to women. While few women are professional rock critics, they are a significant proportion of classical and popular music singers.
In most societies, women play a central role in the family and in society. While many cultures expect women to stay home and care for their children, some return to paid work and are responsible for a significant portion of the economy. One example of this is the first female prime minister of Sri Lanka, Sirimavo Bandaranaike, who was democratically elected as prime minister in 1960. In many other societies, women are the primary initiators of outside help.
While it is still difficult to recruit women into the top ranks of corporate leadership, the majority of American adults say women are capable of leading organizations and being good political leaders. In fact, two-thirds of adults think that women are capable of dominating corporate boardrooms, and only one-fifth say they should not have children at all. In spite of these findings, women are proving their worth in a number of ways, and they are making progress.
In order to make women more competitive, companies are investing in mentorship programs and developmental opportunities for female employees. While companies are trying to retain the best female talent, they continue to experience pipeline leaks at the mid-to senior levels. According to a recent World Economic Forum study, 59% of global companies now offer mentoring programs for female employees, while another 20% offer women-specific training. While this is a positive development, the numbers do not reflect the true situation in all companies.
As a result of a variety of factors, women’s participation in the workforce increased dramatically in the 1970s. In the years following the end of World War II, few women were expected to work outside of the home. Young women in the 1970s expected to work in the labor force, and began to increase their educational attainment. They began taking courses and majors related to their desired careers. These trends continued, and today’s women make up half of the workforce.